Voltage Explained
Voltage is probably the most important of the three big circuit values we'll learn about in this course (the other two being current and resistance).
Voltage is a measure of how much energy the electrons in a certain part of a circuit have. If we say that some point on a circuit has x voltage we're saying something about how energetic each of the electrons at that point is. In this course the voltage at a particular point is usually the same for the entire lifetime of the circuit however in future courses this won't be the case.
In real world circuits voltage is most often the way we communicate information. Voltage is how we represent signals and how we perform operations on them like filtering and turning them into coloured pixels on your screen.
Voltage is a measure of the potential energy of the electrons between two parts of a circuit.
Voltage is measured in a unit called Volts (V).
Voltages are often written straight onto a circuit digram if it is known what the voltage at that point is ahead of time.
A voltage is measured like a distance, you always need two points to measure between.
There is no absolute measure of voltage, you can't ask "what is the voltage of my finger?", you always need to ask "what is the voltage of my finger relative to that table?".
Voltage is always measured between two points. The voltage \(V_{AB}\) is the voltage of point A relative to the voltage at point B.
Find the voltage \(V_{AB}\) across the resistor in the diagram below
We usually pick a point on a circuit and call it "ground", this means that if we don't mention a second point for a voltage we assume that the second point is ground (and we define the voltage at "ground" to be 0 since it is measured relative to itself).
Every circuit has a universal reference point called "ground". When we say "the voltage at point A" we mean relative to the ground point.
Ground's voltage is assumed to be 0.
This ground point is not the same between two separate circuits. Confusingly if we have two circuits that are not connected their grounds could have a non-zero voltage between them. Always remember that there is no absolute measure of the voltage at a point and choosing a "ground node" is just a trick to make talking about voltages simpler.
You can pick absolutely any point on your circuit to be the ground node. By convention we pick the negative side of a battery, but this is just a common convention and not required.
The ground on a circuit is denoted by the symbol:
Find the voltage across the resistor in the diagram below:
Find the voltage at point A in the diagram:
It may be confusing that we started this topic claiming that you can't talk about the voltage at a point and then we just did some examples about the voltage at a point.
And you're right, that is confusing.
Whenever we say "the voltage at point A" we really mean "the voltage at A relative to ground", but that's a mouthful and engineers are lazy.
It's important to remember that a single point never has a voltage, but if we talk about the voltage at a point we mean relative to ground.
Batteries are the main source of voltage in many of the circuits we'll be looking at. A battery has a positive terminal and a negative terminal.
A battery is a device which adds voltage to an electron as it passes from the negative side through to the top. Most components will lower an electron's voltage as the electron passes through. You can think of batteries as the motors running an electrical circuit.
In a battery electrons flow from the positive side, around the circuit the battery is connected to and then into the negative side where they are given more voltage (equal to the battery voltage) and pushed out the positive side again.
A battery is written into a circuit diagram in a few ways as shown below. In each image the negative side and positive sides have been marked.
If the circuit contains just one battery and no point on the circuit is marked ground then the negative side of the battery will be ground. This is just a common convention.
Voltages add as an electron moves around a circuit. For example if two 5V batteries are placed back-to-back then an electron will gain a total of 10V as it passes from the negative side of the first through to the positive side of the second
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