To solve a circuit by superposition first "turn off" all independent voltage and current sources except for one and calculate the voltages and currents you want to find in your circuit. Then repeat this for each voltage or current source, having only one source at a time. To get the final voltage or current at a point in your circuit simply add all of the voltages/currents you found at that point from each source.
To "turn off" a voltage source replace it with a straight piece of wire (short circuit). To "turn off" a current source replace it with a break in the wire (open circuit).
Find the current through R2 in the circuit below.
Superposition only works with voltage and current, it does not work with power. To find the power through an element due to several power sources find the individual voltages and/or currents like normal and then use the final, total voltage and/or current to calculate the power.
Calculate the power dissipated by resistor R3 in the circuit below.
practice problems